My 3rd presentation at International Science Youth Forum (23 Jan 2019)
Kim, Mijung, & Tan, HoeTeck (2012). Students’ knowledge and decision making: Learning from collaboration during environmental field study. The Netherlands: Sense Publisher.
Kim, Mijung, & Tan, HoeTeck (2013). A Collaborative Problem-solving Process Through Environmental Field Studies. International Journal of Science Education, 35(3), 357-387. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from
My publications in Environmental Science Education: LINK
Research Contribution
1. Environmental Education Research Journal – volunteer Reviewer
2. An Embodied Modelling-Based Inquiry Activity Towards Participatory Learning Environments.
Project Number: OER 30/09
Principal Investigator: Asst Prof Beaumie Kim
Project Duration: 01 September 2010 - 31 August 2012
3. Teachers-as-Designers of Technology-Enhanced Curricula: Making Teacher Design Knowledge (TDK) Visible.
Project Number: SSHRC Insight Grant.
Principal Investigator: Assoc Prof Mi Song Kim
Project Duration: 2017-2022.
Conference papers / posters presented
Conference papers / posters presented
44. International Science Youth Forum 2023 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution) on "Development of Arduino-based Science Experiments".
43. KVIS Invitational Science Fair (27 Jan 2022) on "Development of Arduino-based Science Experiments".
42. SST Tech Summit (21 Jan 2022) on "Development of Arduino-based Science Experiments".
41. Sharing at Third Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education (12-15 Oct 2021) on Development of students planetarium for the teaching of Astronomy.
40. Sharing at Teacher-Led e-Workshops @ Association of Singapore Teachers on Developing a TPACK approach to teach electricity concepts (13 July 2021).
39. Sharing at Teacher-Led Workshops @ Association of Singapore Teachers on Computational Thinking Tasks In Mathematics And Science (30 Apr 2021).
38. Sharing at Teacher-Led Workshops @ Association of Singapore Teachers on Crafting Performance Tasks In Mathematics And Science (2 July 2020).
37. International Science Youth Forum 2020 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Developing a Planetarium for the Teaching and Learning of Astronomy, on 15 Jan 2020.
36. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society Meeting 2019: Geo-science Education Camp. Presented on 31 July 2019.
35. TECH Summit @ SST Labschool 2019: Engaging the digital learners through Student Labs. Presented on 05 July 2019.
34. AST Teachers Led Workshop 2019: Mathematical Modeling in School Science. Presented on 4 July 2019.
33. Teachers Conference 2019: Making Joy of Learning Visible. Presented on 28 May 2019.
32. International Science Youth Forum 2019 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Mathematical Modeling of School Science, on 23 Jan 2019.
31. International Science Youth Forum 2018 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Field Trips as a platform for Science learning, on 23 Jan 2018.
30. Singapore International Science Teachers Conference: Development of STEM Performance Tasks for Applied Learning in SST, on 21 Nov 2017.
29. Asian-Oceania Geological Sciences Meeting 2017: Geo-Science Education Through AOGS, on 9 Aug 2017.
28. Singapore International Science Challenge 2017 (Hosted by National Junior College): Using Performance Tasks as a form of alternative assessment in School of Science and Technology, Singapore, on 26 June 2017.
27. SST TECH Summit: The SST Outdoor Classroom Project. Presented on 13 March 2017.
26. International Science Youth Fair 2017 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Using Performance Tasks as a form of alternative assessment in School of Science and Technology, Singapore, on 16 Jan 2017.
25. 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences: Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners. Presented a paper in the K12 Practitioner’s Track on “Designing and Implementing the Investigative Skills in Secondary School” from 20 to 24 June 2016.
24. Shared "Domestic Electric Circuit for the teaching of practical electricity" at International Students' Science Fair, organised by NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, on 25 May 2016. SLIDES
23. Use of Google Earth and its related softwares @ TECH Summit 2015, featuring Google for Education, at School of Science and Technology, Singapore on 16 March 2015.
22. Co-presenter. STEMx Conference, Make Learning Relevant Through Fostering Investigative Skills in Science.
(Search for title by Ctrl + F, Make Learning Relevant Through Fostering Investigative Skills in Science) (2013).
21. 10th Asian-Oceanic Geological Science Conference. Geoscience Education in School of Science and Technology, Singapore (Aug 2012).
20. NARST Conference. Being Responsible and Respectful: A case study of Collective Knowledge Building, presented with Mijung Kim (March 2012). see
19. BOSS III - 3rd Biodiversity of Singapore Symposium. Poster: "Dragonflies and Damselflies as indicators of Ecological health of freshwater sources in the Upper MacRitchie Basin in the Central Catchment area of Singapore" (Sep 2011)
18. Asian Association of Biology Education Conference 2010 “Students’ knowledge integration and decision making: Learning through collaboration during environmental field study” (Oct 2010).
17. Congress 2010 - Canadian Society for the Study of Education “Collective knowledge and skills in problem solving: Stories of environment science learning from Singaporean students” (May 2010).
16. International Science Education Conference 2009 “Informal Learning during the Taiwan Astronomy & Earth Science Field Trip” (Nov 2009).
15. International Science Education Conference 2009 “What is the purpose of practical work in school science? What are the possible solutions?” (Nov 2009).
14. 7th Asian Oceanic Geological Sciences Conference on “Informal Education in Astronomy and Earth Sciences” (Aug 2009).
13. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference on “F1 Physics – Contextual Physics” (June 2009).
12. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference on “Leadership Training” (June 2009).
11. 2nd International Conference on Character Development through Experiential and Service Learning on“Project Batam Service Learning” (Mar 2009).
10. 2nd International Conference on Character Development through Experiential and Service Learning on “Survival Tinggi” (Mar 2009).
9. International Conference on Technology for Teaching and Learning on “Project Eagles, an Integrated Learning Platform” (Aug 2008).
8. Asian-Oceanic Geological Science Conference on “Space Science Education in Singapore” (June 2008).
7. Asian-Oceanic Geological Science Conference on “the use of GIS for integrated learning” (June 2008).
6. Raffles International Conference on Education (RICE) on “Survival Tinggi – A Reality TV” (Mar 2008).
5. CRPP Redesigning Pedagogy, Culture, Knowledge and Understanding Conference on “Project NEMO – An Integrated Learning Platform for Leadership, Team Building, Service Learning and Environmental Education” (May 2007).
4. Character Development Through Service and Experiential Learning Conference on “Character Development through NYAA Programs” (Mar 2007).
3. Teachers Conference on “Re-designing the Learning Environment through an Outdoor Classroom Project” (May 2006).
2. Education Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference on “Re-designing the Learning Environment through an Outdoor Classroom Project” (May 2006).
1. Asian-Oceanic Geological Sciences Conference on “Physics Learning through International Collaboration”(June 2005).
Sharing conducted
31. Sharing with High Ability Network Learning Community teachers on Developing a TPACK approach to teach electricity concepts (28 Aug 2021).
30. Sharing with Mentoring Science Research Network Learning Community teachers on Mentoring Phyiscs Research (7 Apr 2021).
29. Sharing with Lower Secondary Science teachers from Bedok South Secondary School on infusing STEM and Design Thinking into LSS programme (16 Sep 2019).
28. Sharing with Lower Secondary Science teachers from Crescent Girls School on the SST Lower Secondary Science programme (7 Mar 2019).
27. 26th IPS Astronomy Retreat (June 2019). Listening to the universe & Radio Fox Hunting activity for participants.
26. 25th IPS Astronomy Retreat (June 2018). Listening to the universe & Radio Fox Hunting activity for participants.
25. AST Biology ICT Learning Journey (20 June 2016). Shared the SAMR framework and how ICT is used in the ISS programme in SST.
24. "SG Makers Education" panel speaker @ National Design Center on 11 March 2016. Organised by Singapore Makers' Association.
23. W5 Physics Interest Group Gathering at School of Science and Technology, Singapore on 29 Oct 2015. Chaired the session on “Domestic Electric Circuit for the teaching of practical electricity”, “AC/DC Power Transmission Model” and possible future collaboration between the schools in W5 cluster.
22. W5 Cluster Science Champion Group Sharing Session "Development of a domestic electric circuit for the teaching of Practical Electricity" on 2 October 2015 at Chua Chu Kang Secondary School.
21. Workshop on "Engineering Design Process" on 9 July 2015 at Academy of Singapore Teachers, MOE.
20. 5th Singapore International Science Challenge. Educator’s Symposium, "Development of a domestic electric circuit for the teaching of Practical Electricity" (30 June 2015).
19. Use of Google Blog for Research. EdTechTeam(R) @ Singapore Summit, Featuring Google for Education, at Singapore American School on 6&7 Sep, 2014.
18. Sharing on Radioastronomy during the "21st Astronomy Retreat" (15 June 2014).
17. 4th Singapore International Science Challenge. Teacher’s Presentation. ISS in SST (4 July 2013).
16. West Zone Center of Excellence. Science Teacher’s Seminar. ISS in SST (15 May 2013).
15. Sharing at STEEL Workshop organised by UNESCO, NI, and Singapore Science Center (18 July 2012).
14. Sharing at STEEL Workshop organised by UNESCO, NI, and Singapore Science Center (2011).
13. IPSG Sharing @ ACJC on "Mathematical Physics" to A level Physics Teachers (2011).
12. Teachers Network sharing on “Mathematical Physics” to O and A level Physics Teachers (2010).
11. National Youth Council-Teachers Network sharing on “Service Learning” (2009).
10. Teachers Network sharing on “Service Learning” (2009).
9. Teachers Network sharing on “Outdoor Learning” (2008).
8. MOE Excel Day (2007) on “Outdoor Classroom Project”.
7. Methodist Girls School Youth Environmental Conference (2007) on “Reconnecting with Nature through an Outdoor Classroom Project”.
6. Teachers Conference (2006) on “Re-designing the Learning Environment through an Outdoor Classroom Project”.
5. NYAA HRH Prince Philip visit (2006) to Singapore Exhibition on “Astronomy Programmes in Singapore”.
4. MOE Excel Day (2006) on (a) The National Youth Achievement Awards; (b) The Pulau Tinggi Outdoor Classroom Project; (c) Astronomy Learning through International Collaboration.
3. CIP Sharing organized by National Education Branch, MOE (2006) on “Integrating NYAA into Service Learning”.
2. MOE Excel Day (2005) on “Bintan Environmental Research and Conservation Trip”.
1. Clean and Green Week (2005) on “The Pulau Tinggi Outdoor Classroom Project”.
36. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society Meeting 2019: Geo-science Education Camp. Presented on 31 July 2019.
35. TECH Summit @ SST Labschool 2019: Engaging the digital learners through Student Labs. Presented on 05 July 2019.
34. AST Teachers Led Workshop 2019: Mathematical Modeling in School Science. Presented on 4 July 2019.
33. Teachers Conference 2019: Making Joy of Learning Visible. Presented on 28 May 2019.
32. International Science Youth Forum 2019 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Mathematical Modeling of School Science, on 23 Jan 2019.
31. International Science Youth Forum 2018 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Field Trips as a platform for Science learning, on 23 Jan 2018.
30. Singapore International Science Teachers Conference: Development of STEM Performance Tasks for Applied Learning in SST, on 21 Nov 2017.
29. Asian-Oceania Geological Sciences Meeting 2017: Geo-Science Education Through AOGS, on 9 Aug 2017.
28. Singapore International Science Challenge 2017 (Hosted by National Junior College): Using Performance Tasks as a form of alternative assessment in School of Science and Technology, Singapore, on 26 June 2017.
27. SST TECH Summit: The SST Outdoor Classroom Project. Presented on 13 March 2017.
26. International Science Youth Fair 2017 (Hosted by Hwa Chong Institution): Using Performance Tasks as a form of alternative assessment in School of Science and Technology, Singapore, on 16 Jan 2017.
25. 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences: Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners. Presented a paper in the K12 Practitioner’s Track on “Designing and Implementing the Investigative Skills in Secondary School” from 20 to 24 June 2016.
24. Shared "Domestic Electric Circuit for the teaching of practical electricity" at International Students' Science Fair, organised by NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, on 25 May 2016. SLIDES
23. Use of Google Earth and its related softwares @ TECH Summit 2015, featuring Google for Education, at School of Science and Technology, Singapore on 16 March 2015.
22. Co-presenter. STEMx Conference, Make Learning Relevant Through Fostering Investigative Skills in Science.
(Search for title by Ctrl + F, Make Learning Relevant Through Fostering Investigative Skills in Science) (2013).
21. 10th Asian-Oceanic Geological Science Conference. Geoscience Education in School of Science and Technology, Singapore (Aug 2012).
20. NARST Conference. Being Responsible and Respectful: A case study of Collective Knowledge Building, presented with Mijung Kim (March 2012). see
19. BOSS III - 3rd Biodiversity of Singapore Symposium. Poster: "Dragonflies and Damselflies as indicators of Ecological health of freshwater sources in the Upper MacRitchie Basin in the Central Catchment area of Singapore" (Sep 2011)
18. Asian Association of Biology Education Conference 2010 “Students’ knowledge integration and decision making: Learning through collaboration during environmental field study” (Oct 2010).
17. Congress 2010 - Canadian Society for the Study of Education “Collective knowledge and skills in problem solving: Stories of environment science learning from Singaporean students” (May 2010).
16. International Science Education Conference 2009 “Informal Learning during the Taiwan Astronomy & Earth Science Field Trip” (Nov 2009).
15. International Science Education Conference 2009 “What is the purpose of practical work in school science? What are the possible solutions?” (Nov 2009).
14. 7th Asian Oceanic Geological Sciences Conference on “Informal Education in Astronomy and Earth Sciences” (Aug 2009).
13. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference on “F1 Physics – Contextual Physics” (June 2009).
12. Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference on “Leadership Training” (June 2009).
11. 2nd International Conference on Character Development through Experiential and Service Learning on“Project Batam Service Learning” (Mar 2009).
10. 2nd International Conference on Character Development through Experiential and Service Learning on “Survival Tinggi” (Mar 2009).
9. International Conference on Technology for Teaching and Learning on “Project Eagles, an Integrated Learning Platform” (Aug 2008).
8. Asian-Oceanic Geological Science Conference on “Space Science Education in Singapore” (June 2008).
7. Asian-Oceanic Geological Science Conference on “the use of GIS for integrated learning” (June 2008).
6. Raffles International Conference on Education (RICE) on “Survival Tinggi – A Reality TV” (Mar 2008).
5. CRPP Redesigning Pedagogy, Culture, Knowledge and Understanding Conference on “Project NEMO – An Integrated Learning Platform for Leadership, Team Building, Service Learning and Environmental Education” (May 2007).
4. Character Development Through Service and Experiential Learning Conference on “Character Development through NYAA Programs” (Mar 2007).
3. Teachers Conference on “Re-designing the Learning Environment through an Outdoor Classroom Project” (May 2006).
2. Education Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference on “Re-designing the Learning Environment through an Outdoor Classroom Project” (May 2006).
1. Asian-Oceanic Geological Sciences Conference on “Physics Learning through International Collaboration”(June 2005).
Sharing conducted
31. Sharing with High Ability Network Learning Community teachers on Developing a TPACK approach to teach electricity concepts (28 Aug 2021).
30. Sharing with Mentoring Science Research Network Learning Community teachers on Mentoring Phyiscs Research (7 Apr 2021).
29. Sharing with Lower Secondary Science teachers from Bedok South Secondary School on infusing STEM and Design Thinking into LSS programme (16 Sep 2019).
28. Sharing with Lower Secondary Science teachers from Crescent Girls School on the SST Lower Secondary Science programme (7 Mar 2019).
27. 26th IPS Astronomy Retreat (June 2019). Listening to the universe & Radio Fox Hunting activity for participants.
26. 25th IPS Astronomy Retreat (June 2018). Listening to the universe & Radio Fox Hunting activity for participants.
25. AST Biology ICT Learning Journey (20 June 2016). Shared the SAMR framework and how ICT is used in the ISS programme in SST.
24. "SG Makers Education" panel speaker @ National Design Center on 11 March 2016. Organised by Singapore Makers' Association.
23. W5 Physics Interest Group Gathering at School of Science and Technology, Singapore on 29 Oct 2015. Chaired the session on “Domestic Electric Circuit for the teaching of practical electricity”, “AC/DC Power Transmission Model” and possible future collaboration between the schools in W5 cluster.
22. W5 Cluster Science Champion Group Sharing Session "Development of a domestic electric circuit for the teaching of Practical Electricity" on 2 October 2015 at Chua Chu Kang Secondary School.
21. Workshop on "Engineering Design Process" on 9 July 2015 at Academy of Singapore Teachers, MOE.
20. 5th Singapore International Science Challenge. Educator’s Symposium, "Development of a domestic electric circuit for the teaching of Practical Electricity" (30 June 2015).
19. Use of Google Blog for Research. EdTechTeam(R) @ Singapore Summit, Featuring Google for Education, at Singapore American School on 6&7 Sep, 2014.
18. Sharing on Radioastronomy during the "21st Astronomy Retreat" (15 June 2014).
17. 4th Singapore International Science Challenge. Teacher’s Presentation. ISS in SST (4 July 2013).
16. West Zone Center of Excellence. Science Teacher’s Seminar. ISS in SST (15 May 2013).
15. Sharing at STEEL Workshop organised by UNESCO, NI, and Singapore Science Center (18 July 2012).
14. Sharing at STEEL Workshop organised by UNESCO, NI, and Singapore Science Center (2011).
13. IPSG Sharing @ ACJC on "Mathematical Physics" to A level Physics Teachers (2011).
12. Teachers Network sharing on “Mathematical Physics” to O and A level Physics Teachers (2010).
11. National Youth Council-Teachers Network sharing on “Service Learning” (2009).
10. Teachers Network sharing on “Service Learning” (2009).
9. Teachers Network sharing on “Outdoor Learning” (2008).
8. MOE Excel Day (2007) on “Outdoor Classroom Project”.
7. Methodist Girls School Youth Environmental Conference (2007) on “Reconnecting with Nature through an Outdoor Classroom Project”.
6. Teachers Conference (2006) on “Re-designing the Learning Environment through an Outdoor Classroom Project”.
5. NYAA HRH Prince Philip visit (2006) to Singapore Exhibition on “Astronomy Programmes in Singapore”.
4. MOE Excel Day (2006) on (a) The National Youth Achievement Awards; (b) The Pulau Tinggi Outdoor Classroom Project; (c) Astronomy Learning through International Collaboration.
3. CIP Sharing organized by National Education Branch, MOE (2006) on “Integrating NYAA into Service Learning”.
2. MOE Excel Day (2005) on “Bintan Environmental Research and Conservation Trip”.
1. Clean and Green Week (2005) on “The Pulau Tinggi Outdoor Classroom Project”.
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